General information

Introduction of Shihan

Techniques of Aikido

The competition rules
News & Information
- Notification of "THE COMPETITION RULES OF AIKIDO TOSHU-RANDORI" establishmentWe would like to inform you that "THE COMPETITION RULES… 続きを読む: Notification of "THE COMPETITION RULES OF AIKIDO TOSHU-RANDORI" establishment
- News of the competition rules of aikido toshu-randori (Essential Points)We would like to inform you that we have revised "THE C… 続きを読む: News of the competition rules of aikido toshu-randori (Essential Points)
- Results of the 2017 Akita International Aikido Festival were postedParticipants and stakeholders Thanks to everyone for yo… 続きを読む: Results of the 2017 Akita International Aikido Festival were posted
- THE COMPETITION RULES OF AIKIDO TOSHU-RANDORI (Essencial Points)We would like to inform you, hereby, of our essential d… 続きを読む: THE COMPETITION RULES OF AIKIDO TOSHU-RANDORI (Essencial Points)
- The Junior practice sessionWe are going to hold the training event for exchanges b… 続きを読む: The Junior practice session